I AM ALFA because I train like an athlete, eat like a sports nutritionist, sleep like a baby, and win like a champion.
Metabolic Balance
Website: Metabolic Balance
Instagram: @metabolicbalance_canada
Photographer: Ali Sohrab
Make up: Shannon Payne
What is metabolic balance?
The foundation of the program is metabolic balance's unique capability to develop a truly personalized all natural nutrition plan based upon an in-depth analysis of your unique blood values, medical history, symptomatology and preferences. Your personalized plan acts as your “road-map”, indicating exactly which natural foods you should eat in order to orchestrate the biochemical changes needed for reaching your desirable weight and health goals. The program is based off of whole foods, natural foods and is backed by 30 years of research and science by nutritional scientists.
Your personalized all-natural nutrition plan balances your personal "body chemistry" with the right "food chemistry". The research goes to the root cause of how and why a person stores and releases energy and fat. It's base assumption is that your body is capable of producing (on its own) the hormones and enzymes that are needed to function. In order to function, a body requires "building material" in the form of proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients that are obtained from the foods you eat. Your plan concentrates on the exact foods that posses the essential, vital nutrients your body most needs. Based on this in-depth scientific and innovative understanding, metabolic balance develops your personalized nutrition plan to naturally balance your hormones, enzymes and your bio-chemistry.
Metabolic Balance is one of best all-encompassing nutrition programs where we take everything into account from blood work, lifestyle, stress, hormones, exercise, body fat, weight, measurements, history and preferences. This also allows us to work with more closely the special populations such as gut health imbalances, IBS, Crohn’s, fertility, metabolism Imbalances, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, kidney stones, thyroid conditions, Cholesterol, lipid imbalances, hormonal imbalances, obesity, high end athletes with restrictive eating, arthritis and allergies are just a few conditions the program can be tailored for.
Jennifer Neil
Most people call me by my nickname Jenna. I'm just a girl who wakes up every morning with this burning desire to make our world a better place. Seriously, it's like my mission in life! I've managed to create this amazing space where people can come together, move, learn, grow, and prioritize their well-being. Imagine this: I get to see the world through my eyes, and let me tell you, there's nothing more fulfilling than witnessing someone break free from disease or being right there beside them during tough cancer treatments, helping them cope and heal.
The joy of helping someone recover from an injury, watching an athlete conquer their goals, or even seeing a little kid or a grown-up pull off their first roll, pull up, handstand, or flip – it's these moments that light up my life. I have faced challenges with hormonal issues after having several pregnancies, and found success with the metabolic balance program.
I also became trained in nutrition and health sciences to help others benefit from this approach. The goal of the program is to help people feel better, have more energy, lose weight, and improve their overall well-being by tailoring their diet to their body's unique needs.
I've been on this journey for over 20 years, diving into various careers that all revolve around movement, health, and community. You name it – health club and district manager, fitness instructor and program coordinator, personal trainer, nutritionist, athlete, massage therapist, mentor, and proud mom of three amazing boys.
I've got this unshakable belief that personal trainers and nutritionists are like these incredible warriors, spreading positivity and making a real impact. We're the front liners of life, you know? By inspiring others to take care of their mental and physical health and doing it together as a community, we become an unbreakable force. I believe the best practitioners of the future will be able to see movement, feel tissue, coach natural, alive, good quality foods and affect change! My philosophy is health equals wealth, we need to make space for wellness, otherwise Illness or inflammation is going to find its way in. Mental health, it's just as vital as physical health if comes and goes if we do not make it a daily practice.
I've got this quote I love sharing with my clients: "Train like an athlete, eat like a sports nutritionist, sleep like a baby, and win like a champion." It's like my mantra – a reminder that a balanced approach is the key to success.
I'm on this incredible journey to make a difference, to touch lives, and to encourage everyone to embrace health and happiness, I would love to be a part of your journey too!
Sunshine Taylor
My story and struggle with weight goes back to 2005 when I weighed in at whopping 250lbs on the day I gave birth to my oldest daughter, leaving my body with 230lbs to deal with afterwards. I managed to lose all the weight (90lbs) by 2007 using Weight Watchers. After I turned 30 I have consistently been active, taught fitness classes etc. and I believed I looked quite athletic, but I’ve always struggled with calorie counting and feeling energetic and satisfied with food I eat in conjunction with the amount I work out. I have maintained a weight in the range of 12-20lbs but food has always been a struggle. In the tail end of 2022, I had ACL repair surgery and shortly following that surgery I sustained another major injury that resulted in surgery. This set me back in my fitness goals and also contributed to some stress eating which in turn caused me to gain an extra 15 pounds (165lbs). In January 2022 I was on the road to recovery from my surgeries when all the sudden my oldest daughter overdosed on pills, I was devastated and at my breaking point. How much more could one person handle in such a short period? I was stressed, emotionally drained and my pants weren’t fitting anymore, so I turned to Jennifer Neil and Metabolic Balance for help. I needed a new start and accountability. I needed to learn and understand food and how it actually affects me and my body. I needed this for me and my mental health.
I was unhappy with my appearance and my recovery from surgeries. The biggest changes aside from losing approximately 35lbs that I’ve had since starting the program is that I’ve learned how to better fuel my body for workouts and for recovery.
I’ve learned a more holistic way of eating and how simple changes in the quality of the nutrients I’m consuming can change my ability to do more, feel more energetic and not feel hungry all the time. Meal prepping was an integral part to my success in the early days. After I got into the groove of things, I was better able to eat with the family and focus less on the prep and just incorporate meals that work for the family and for me too. Without Jennifer Neil I would be lost. Her constant reassurance, support and accountability is ultimately what helped drive my success. She was/is always available to provide advice, support, trouble shoot and give suggestions to help me succeed. She made me feel special and ultimately taught me to love myself in all my forms and how to appreciate the hard work it takes to become an elite athlete. She has also pushed me to do more than I ever thought I would, like doing this photoshoot and participating in the World Beauty, Fitness and Fashion show (“WBFF”) in the Transformation category last year and competing in Fitness and Bikini this year. Never in a million years did I ever think I would do anything like this.
I recommend Metabolic Balance to everyone I know! In fact, my partner started with Jenna a couple months ago after seeing how it’s changed my life. We are all different, and our bodies need different things. What I love about Metabolic Balance is that it looks at you as an individual and the plan is created to help you achieve results based on your blood work, your hormones and what you body needs while removing the things it doesn’t. It teaches you how to fuel your body with cleaner, better nutrients and sets you up for success long term.
I am a personal trainer and group fitness instructor but even personal trainers need trainers! I train with Jennifer Neil and the changes I’ve made over the last year are outstanding. She’s done a lot of post-surgery rehab stuff with me that has helped me gain more flexibility and strength in my knee (and body) and I’ve also done a significant amount of muscle growth in my legs, hamstrings and glutes specifically, all while leaning out. I think it’s important to have a trainer help you work through the foundational functional movements to ensure that as you get stronger and gain muscle that you are also doing it off a strong foundation to prevent injury. There is always much to learn from others and Jennifer has taught me so much that has helped me grow as an athlete, but also as a trainer for my future clients!
this journey.
Amber Green
I had started my Metabolic Balance at 176.2lbs. I had recently left a relationship of ten years and it was time to do this for myself. I was so unhappy with my weight and going to the gym, not seeing results month after month.
I often felt very sluggish, depressed and not too confident that I would ever be happy with my body. My biggest change was how happy and positive I became with the right foods in my body for my not only my physical aspect but as well as my mental health. I stuck to the program faithfully as I was seeing small changes each day and knew that if I didn’t commit to it, I couldn’t say it doesn’t work without giving it 100% effort.
My coach Jenna Neil played a huge role in my progress as she held me accountable by requesting my meals each day and asked how I was feeling, we even did many workouts together.
This program really changes your outlook on life, it is amazing how the meals are designed specifically for you personally and makes your mind and body feel so incredibly happy.
Diet and exercise are key to living a healthy lifestyle. It is nice to see how much physical changes you can accomplish when you are losing weight. I can do things I never thought possible, for example, chin ups. Felt so good to be able to lift my own weight.
your body wont change if you do not make a change, if you stick to it, it will work.Not to mention it is worth the
Angela Mason
I have an ‘all-in’ kind of personality. When I commit, it’s with everything I have. In my younger years, it was drugs and alcohol. In my mid-twenties, it was the gym (where I first met Jennifer Neil). Then it was skydiving. To support my skydiving habit, I got a job as a labourer building rigs. I worked really hard to prove myself and learn everything I could and, over time, I transitioned into Health and Safety and received my Occupational Health and Safety Certificate at the University of Alberta. I quit skydiving to focus on my career and, in 2018, I got a promotion to a Global role, moving to Calgary. One I was settled in, I got back in the gym. Then the Pandemic hit, and it all came to a grinding halt.
Due to inactivity and very little motivation, I gained weight topping out at almost 200lbs. With the extra weight came health and mobility issues and I knew I had to make a change. I mentioned to a coworker that I was interested in getting back in the gym. He replied that he had the most amazing personal trainer and offered to introduce us. To my surprise, it was Jennifer Neil! I was absolutely convinced that the stars aligned and I immediately signed up for personal training sessions and for Metabolic Balance with Jennifer. My path back to better health and fitness was now going to be a reality.
Before Metabolic Balance, I would eat food and experience abdominal pain and distension quite regularly and I had undiagnosed female health issues.
Metabolic Balance introduced me to eating well for my body, reducing inflammation, losing weight and body fat, with the most precious reward of all: healing a painful leaky gut and minimizing the pain associated with (now diagnosed) Adenomyosis.
I feel healthy and look my best when I eat the food in my plan and the food in my plan is food that I enjoy eating. If there is ever a need to adjust, Jennifer coaches me to make adjustments where needed. With treat meals, knowing what I know now, I am mindful of what triggers the issues and I choose to make better, healthier choices.
Jennifer doesn’t stop at being a personal trainer, a clinical nutritionist, or a massage therapist. She is a life coach. She is passionate about health and fitness. She is genuine, supportive, and inclusive. She has invited me into this amazing community of like-minded people where I feel welcomed and inspired, driving my desire to be the best that I can be. I am so very grateful that I get this opportunity to experience this life change with Jennifer as my coach and as my friend.
Family and friends have asked what I am doing and I share my journey, how Metabolic Balance has changed my life, and how it will absolutely change theirs if they’re ready to commit and make the change.
It taught me about food and the benefits of eating well for my unique needs. It reduced inflammation so that I could heal and live a life free from pain. In Phase 2 of the plan, the brain fog lifted and I could think clearly. My taste buds changed and I craved healthier food options with less salt and sugar. My energy substantially increased during the day and I slept well at night. The condition of my skin greatly improved. When the weight came off, and it happened quickly, I felt healthy, I moved pain free, and I became more confident and happier. Metabolic Balance, combined with working on my fitness, has been an absolute game changer, really.
For most of my adult life, I was considered obese with a high BMI. When I first met with Jennifer to discuss my health and fitness goals, I would have been happy with a drop to 170lbs. But she saw more for me and opened my eyes to what could be possible. I learned that there was more to body weight then the number on the scale and she convinced me that I could get to 160lb and be within a healthy percentage of body fat. Eight months later, I have lost 40lbs of body fat and gained over 11lbs of lean muscle. With this weight lost, the most awesome dynamic strength training, and a little help from physio, I feel strong and I no longer have debilitating mobility issues in my back and hips. I now truly believe that the possibilities are endless and that this is just the beginning.
My advice to anyone starting their transformation journey is to chat with someone who inspires you. Those that are actively working on their health and fitness are infectious and genuinely want to positively influence others to get moving. Write goals down. Show up. Track progress. Have a plan and make time in your schedule to execute on your plan. Plan your meals, plan your workout routine, plan activities with friends, book yoga, spin classes, etc. in advance. If you have a plan and execute on your plan, you will be successful.
Robert Scott
I’m a Taekwon-do instructor and Photographer from Calgary, Alberta Canada. I’m 50 years old, married and have a 5-year-old son. I started my Metabolic Balance Program in September of 2022. The goal was to prepare myself for my 7th Degree Black Belt Examination to be held in November of 2022. My training goal quickly changed to ‘The Project’ which was to be held in California in June 2023, a 75- hour physical and mental challenge.
Before Metabolic Balance, I felt fatigues, stressed, anxious and without purpose. My
biggest changes were dropping 45lbs of fat, developing strong legs and core, mental and
physical discipline, overall strength, routine and increased energy while sleeping less.
Having a strong ‘WHY’ and mind-set helped me stay the course, especially at the beginning. As soon as the weight began to pour off, my stamina and strength kicked keeping me in the game for longer periods of time. Of course, the guidance of my trainer was crucial in keeping my mindset-on track!
Jennifer Neil is a life changer. Her genuine love for her clients is unshakable. She changes people physically so that they can tap into their full genetic potential which in
turn pours into every other aspect of their lives. Her transformed clients are not only a
physical testimony to her education and intelligence, but infectious human beings that
radiate positivity, discipline and drive.
I would recommend anyone who wishes to level up in life to incorporate Metabolic Balance into their daily routine. The program is not standard. The clients are genuinely cared for and listened to. Everyone needs a coach in their life and in my opinion there is none better.
I am a Taekwon-do instructor of 30 years. I have taken my school from 60 to 200
students in the past couple of years. I credit Jenna, her education and compassion for
helping me not only transform myself physically, but also transform the next generation
of children in my Taekwon-do class.
My advice to anyone looking for significant change is to develop some Damn Discipline. The Pain of Regret is GREATER than the Pain of Change. Put the chips down!
Bryanne Edwards
My journey has always been a struggle, as I am sure most can relate; if it were easy, we would all look like swimsuit models. Over time I have learnt that I must be disciplined, but balanced to achieve a place of comfort with my mind and body. I have personal trained with Jenna for years and she continually helps me with my journey.
Jenna teaches me healthy eating habits and how to sustain a balance in life, by eating foods specifically for my body. Metaboliic balance helps people do just that, balance and sustain a way of life that motivates me to keep going.
Before Metabolic balance I felt like life was a rollercoaster, emotionally and physically. I was always trying new programs to get me on track, but I couldn’t sustain it. The Metabolic Balance program helped me stay on track and eat foods that I never allowed myself to eat before. Which I believe sets this apart from other programs.
Jennifer Neil is an inspiration; she understands the body and our deficiencies, which make us all unique. What works for one person might not work for another, which is why her education and experience is so critical to my success. Programs need to be specific to your body and even your mind. I would recommend the program because it is specifically designed for you and your blood type, which is important to a person’s weight loss journey.
Jenna keeps me in check, and she creates fitness programs designed to strengthen my weaknesses. I have a knee injury and she’s created a conditioning program, that has helped rehab me. Developing strength around the knee helps create a pain free environment.
Jennifer’s education and athletic background sets her apart from others. I have had many trainers over the years, and she is by far the most educated, dedicated, and versatile coaches I have worked with. Always changing my program and educating me on my body, which is critical to my life journey.
My message to people who are starting their journey, surround yourself with positive people who encourage healthy habits, you need a community to keep you committed and accountable. Know that "being ready" is not a feeling, it is a decision. Stop waiting to “feel ready”, decide to be ready. The feeling after you finish a hard workout is worth the fight getting there. Whenever I don’t feel like working out, I remember that feeling after a hard workout and that motivates me.
Christina Caffrey & Nathaniel Caffrey
Christina has always been active and looking for ways to improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Despite eating healthy and exercising as much as possible, when COVID hit, she gained approximately 20 lbs. She knew she needed some help to help understand how to manage her nutrition and eating habits. Metabolic Balance gave her a plan that is optimal for her and her body, and takes the guess work out of it. It is something she can fall back on to ensure optimum health and nutrition, and without relying on exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
Nathaniel works a physically laborious job, and it’s difficult to manage his eating and meals throughout the day. He tried a few different approaches but always found that he was binging when he got home, and eating too much sugar.
When Christina started the Metabolic Balance Program and seeing her results motivated him to start the program as well.
Shameful and so embarrassed. Sluggish, fatigued, and uncomfortable. We have always prided ourselves on being the best we could be. Christina didn’t feel like her body reflected how well she looked after it. It took a toll on my confidence and self-esteem. The biggest changes are the opposite of everything just mentioned. Feeling good, enjoying the food, and the support we got from Jenna was motivation to keep on the program.
Jenna is vital to the success of achieving results. She brings a wealth of knowledge from her experience and applies and shares it with her clients so you understand not just the ‘how’ but the ‘why’ of what your body is doing or reacting the way it does. This helps gives her clients more of a purpose and rationale to stick with the program.
Her responsiveness was tremendously appreciated, as I would be at the grocery store looking at some labels; and she would respond immediately to any inquiries which helped take the guess work out. The accountability checks were helpful in keeping me diligent. I never felt judged. She was also firm but understanding and would offer tweaks to make improvements which made it easier to adjust the habits.
It is motivating to see results so quickly, and how positively the body responds to the program. It indicated that we could achieve what we wanted through a diligent diet and gave us confidence back. Further, we felt physically energetic and ‘running clean’; not lethargic or feeling bloated anymore. For Christina, her body felt like it was ‘in balance’ in terms of the timing of the meals as well as the food she was intaking. It also helps to have the flexibility, to indulge once in a while but to do it mindfully so you can still enjoy a social evenings around food. To be aware of what the impact is to my body and once reaching an upper threshold, to be able to reign it in again quickly and effectively so you never let yourself get to where you were before you began the program.
The program is tailored specifically to you and your gut biome. It’s not a broad program that everyone/anyone else is getting and it’s not a ‘fad’ diet. The program gives the tools and knowledge to understand the affects of the food you’re eating, and when your eating it to achieve the results. Further, you have the support of your coach which has been of paramount importance and a pillar in my success. Having a coach like Jennifer made it easy to stay on the program.
We have already recommended Metabolic Balance to friends and family, and have made successful referrals. People see our results and ask what we did to achieve them, and we tell them it is because of Metabolic Balance. Anyone who cares about improving or optimizing their health, weight, or longevity of a healthy life, should invest in Metabolic Balance. It is specific to you and your body. It is motivating because you see results quickly and it is sustainable, which most other programs are not. It is real food and teaches you how to be mindful.
Christina and Nathaniel have been working with Jenna for years. Christina recently competed in the World Beauty Fitness & Fashion (WBFF) 2023 competition in Calgary where she won my pro card, placed first in Bikini 35+ and second in Fitness 35+. She enjoyed the muscle strength gained, cardiovascular improvements and positive changes to her overall wellbeing.
Nathaniel was looking specifically to lean out but to gain muscle mass at the same time which is difficult to do. Between the workout plan and making tweaks to the meal plan he saw, and felt, improvements quickly.
It feels good to eat healthy, feel confident and comfortable in your clothes and motivating to see the results.
Jenna will go out of her way to make sure you feel supported not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well so that you are feeling well rounded and fulfilled in all aspects of life. This means incorporating daily habits in to help you feel like your best possible self. Apart from the individual and internal improvements, Jenna is inclusive and has truly built a great community of wonderful people around her. This community of people truly want to see the best for each other, motivate each other and build their own connections so you always have other people to exercise with.
When people ask us how to start their wellness journey I tell remind them that
It’s not an all or nothing game. Just do what you can everyday, because something is better than nothing and there is always something you CAN do. Focus on that and go from there. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Every day you make choices. Having discipline in being consistent, of showing up, is the most important and influential action you can take.
It is not selfish to put your health first – if you don’t have health you don’t have anything. Common reasons for people to not eat healthy or exercise is because they are stressed, tired, busy with kids, have other health conditions, etc. Every single one of these are exactly the reason you should be eating healthy and exercising. If it’s important to you, protect your time to meal prep and exercise, and be unapologetic about it.
Surround yourself with people that want the best for you. Surround yourself with people who value taking action, health and fitness, and constant self-improvement. Separate yourself from those who are lazy, play the victim and drain your energy. You deserve better.
Get a goal, something to work towards (weight, shape, whatever that is for you),
Getting a good coach to help you build a workout program and;
Having your coach help you with a meal program.
Christie Streifel
I am a mom of two boys that I had when I was 38 and 40 years old. Having kids, a little later in life, I was struggling to get extra weight off that I put on during and after pregnancy. I started Metabolic Balance with Jenna in 2021 after a long year at home during Covid 19.
Before Metabolic Balance I felt tired and bloated, not to mention depressed about the way I looked. I wasn't always perfect following the program but I kept going and started to feel better about myself and the way I looked, both inside and out.
Jennifer has been an amazing mentor and coach. Her knowledge about nutrition, fitness and health is hard to find in a trainer and I am super lucky I have had the chance to be her client.
I would recommend Metabolic Balance for anyone who is looking to change the way they think about food and develop new healthy eating habits. I have seen many of Jennifer's clients who had great success with Metabolic Balance and achieved amazing body transformations.
Along with starting my nutrition plan, Jennifer is also my personal trainer. I have had many trainers in the past but none have compared to her training style. Given her athletic background, Jennifer brings wholistic approach to training that covers all areas of fitness such as strength training, cardio, endurance, HIIT, metabolic conditioning and flexibility. She is always motivating her clients to improve all areas of their fitness.
If anyone is struggling with beginning a fitness journey, I would tell them there is no time like now to start... in Jennifer's words if you fail "correct and continue" and most importantly have fun and don't give up!!!
Jill Keilty
I am 49 years old, a highschool Phys Ed teacher & personal trainer and a mom to 2 kids. My son Jordan is 19 years old and my daughter Ruby is 7. My journey into starting my Metabolic Balance program was all because I gained weight over COVID and I didn't know how I was going to take it off without help. I gained 12 pounds on the scale and a lot of body fat and felt awful. I am a competitive athlete and trainer and I felt like I had lost myself. I wasn't a good representation of what I needed to be to get the respect of my clients but more importantly I didn't respect myself anymore. How could I advise anyone on weight loss and exercise if I had gained so much weight? I was actually angry that I had let it get that bad. I needed to change and I needed advice on how.
Before Metabolic Balance I felt fat. I felt bloated. I felt like I wasn't me. I was always so muscular and lean all my life and always maintained that look and I had lost it. My biggest changes were my body fat percent and weight on the scale. I went from 21% body fat to 9%. I went from 122 pounds to 104. I lost 18 pounds!
What helped me stick to the Metabolic Balance Program is it's simplicity and obviously the results. Why would I ever want to go back!
Jennifer Neil has been the most important part in my journey. Her example of how she lives her life first off, but mostly her support and constant check-ins was super important to my success. She is so helpful in answering all my questions and providing clarification on all the parts of the program. She is hands down an angel in my eyes and a life changer.
I would and have already recommended the Metabolic Balance Program to anyone and everyone for quality of life improvements because it works. It's easy. It's personable to each person and again, it works!
The key to change in my opinion is if something is bothering you, whatever it may be, take initiative and act on it. Don’t be too proud or scared to ask for help. Be vulnerable. Be coachable.
Lynn Exner
I am the Chief Operating Officer of a national organization that involves a lot of work travel and business meals that are rarely healthy. I knew I needed to find a healthier approach to nutrition, but needed something to work with my lifestyle and travel requirements and challenges.
I had tried several approaches over the years but none fundamentally changed my habits, and I never had lasting results. Metabolic Balance appealed to my science-minded brain, so I gave it a shot and I am so grateful I did.
As a busy executive, I have spent years prioritizing work over health. I always built gym time into my routine, but it wasn’t until I started working with Jenna that I saw measurable results and became genuinely healthy.
Like many independent women, I thought I could (should) do it all on my own, and was reluctant to engage help regarding my nutrition habits and exercise regimen. I also had a recent ACL surgery that made me protective of my knee and tentative to push myself. Jumping was a particularly harrowing concept.
Jenna’s unparalleled education, professionalism, and expertise made it easy to trust that she knew just how to challenge me to get the results I wanted. I was the kind of girl who thought that donuts as a meal was reasonable and a regularly upset digestive system was normal. With Jenna’s guidance, I now shockingly prefer to cook healthy meals and pack my own food for work trips, and I feel great as a result. I have also evolved from a person who ignored my knee rehab and was genuinely afraid to jump, to someone who confidently does box jumps on a strong knee.
Most significantly, I have learned that by prioritizing my health and wellness, not only have I not sacrificed anything in my work and personal relationships, but rather they have all been strengthened by my increased energy and stamina.
My health journey with Jenna has been genuinely transformative and I am deeply grateful to have found someone who could actually manage to get someone like me to change my ways, and enjoy doing it.
Prior to Metabolic Balance, my digestive system was always in turmoil, and I have been tested for various digestive diseases. I also was very averse to cooking and subsisted on packaged pre-made meals. MB had a very different approach to eating than I had experienced before. Not only was I never hungry on MB, I hardly even had cravings as I was finally getting the nutrients I needed. My digestive system is now regulated and I have confidence in my ability to choose and prepare foods that work best for me. Another great side effect was a surprising weight loss.
Jenna has been invaluable to me. She has an uncanny ability to balance my need to be pushed and to be supported and nurtured through my nutrition and fitness journey. I have had several excellent trainers over the years, yet none compare to Jenna. Her expertise is unparalleled, yet her communication, community building, and compassion are somehow even greater strengths.
I would, and have, recommended MB to many people. I am shocked at how transformative it has been for my relationship with food and eating, and I would love for everyone I care about to experience the countless benefits of eating and feeling great. It is also a really nice bonus to have people notice how strong and healthy I now look.
I am a personal training client of Jenna’s, where she has been instrumental in helping me recover from my ACL surgery. My training goals are largely to ensure that I can be pain-free and active for as long as possible. With Jenna, I have made enormous strides in my mobility and strength that give me confidence I can keep doing the things I love and used to do pre-surgery like hiking biking skiing and snowboarding.
Three things I would like to share with people are Prioritizing your health and fitness does not mean a sacrifice in other areas of your life. The healthier you are, the better all other aspects of your life and relationships will be. Getting help from an expert is a sign of strength, not weakness. We all think we need to do it all on our own and that asking for help is a sign of failure. The opposite is true. We are stronger when we can help each other. Getting expert help is the best way to improve and actually see the results you want. Find a trainer and a nutrition program built for you that works for you, rather than trying to fit your life into someone else’s plan. Jenna tailors a program to me and the results have been life changing.
Lynne Kozak
Prior to starting Metabolic Balance, I've had the pleasure running a successful Personal Training business over the last 28 years.
I was struck with a Auto-Immune disease June 2022 called Spondyloarthritis, which left me at home, bed ridden for 3 months, and to this present day living with this disease. I began Metabolic Balance to specifically help the inflammation in my body with the guidance of my Coach Jennifer Neil.
Jennifer Neil was and is an amazing support system and coach who recommended Metabolic Balance to myself. My journey and the on-going recovery of my disease would not be possible without her amazing he and knowledge.
I'm not personal training client, however someone who was looking for support and help with my inflammation due to my Auto-immune disease. There is without doubt this program is impacting my recovery in a positive, impactful way!
I would highly without question recommend Metabolic Balance to anyone wanting to change their quality of life for the better, for all health reasons and purpose. I certainly feel the incredible changes with my body and look forward continuing moving onward.
Michael Darte
For over 20 years, I worked at very high stress levels. My health came second to working at a desk. My metabolism was declining, my weight was increasing, my health was being sabotaged with high blood pressure, and other concerns. Suffering from PTSD, mental health was driving me to exhaustion; and stress made me feel like I was out-of-control. Once diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver, high blood pressure and severe insomnia, something in life needed to change.
Before the Metabolic Balance program my energy levels felt average, and weight was difficult to manage without a meal plan, and I had no desire for healthy foods. Learning how to enjoy eating healthy foods is what enables me to stick with the plan. In addition, establishing further health and fitness goals is now seen as a journey through life; as much as is everything else is, in a person's life.
Jennifer Neil invested in me! As my concentration is often foggy, Jennifer helped me through a lot of confusion to get me established on my nutrition plan. Eating healthy began to change the way my body felt. Through her, I was linked to other health providers. Jennifer has networks! These networks are knowledgeable people who are very effective for those with "special needs". Thanks to her direction and patience (and working with me you need patience!) I have the energy to re-engage in life, and family, again. My family is forever thankful.
Metabolic Balance program simply, it offers direction for health goals in your life, with a coach to manage your meals, and encourages you to learn to like food that benefits for your body.
As a personal training client with Jennifer, I have seen the most muscle gains than simply me working out (hard) in the gym. Jennifer can get you to whatever fitness goal aspire. The most remarkable transition for me has been doctor approved removal of sleep and high blood pressure medications that I was on for 5 years. Indeed, it was expected that I would require these medications for life.
I share my struggles with different people who are also in the health and wellness journey. In this way, we bond, and can even share ways to avoid food triggers, and how to mange such events in our daily lives. Managing food cravings is a journey of trial and error; and accepting this seems to be the biggest part of the battle.
I learn to understand my fitness goals. Why are they a goal for you? If your struggle is getting lean, for example, then why is it important for you to become lean? As struggles with food, and treats, become incredibly strong for some of us, there is something within each of us that desires that goal (ie. a lean physique) in light of the fact our behavior is not consistent with achieving that goal of leanness. Choosing to "fight with yourself" is a times what health and fitness is all about. This is part of the health and fitness journey in life; like a relationship with a family member, or friend, or workplace.
Your health and fitness is not just about what you look and feel like here, and now. It is about tomorrow, too.
As we age, our metabolism changes, our joints begin to naturally deteriorate, and our quality of life can lesson. Knowing that your investment in exercise today can keep you mobile and more independent tomorrow, has a way of giving our life perspective; beyond a magazine cover.
Nicholas Holland

I am someone who has always exercised to varying degrees. For no particular reason I have lacked focus without a clear destination in mind. This hasn’t bothered me per say, but I felt I wanted to fine tune my results. Like a true champion I procrastinated my start date with the Metabolic Balance Program. Change is always tricky and coming to terms with the ‘ask’ is funny looking back. Because of whom I am I tend to over think things. The change wasn’t that difficult, because I have personal discipline, it was just getting used to something different.
Before starting the Metabolic Balance Program, I was maintaining my weight, but I wasn’t happy with my body fat levels, or how I felt in general. The superstar in my life Sunshine Taylor, made sure I sticked to the program with her vigorous meal planning. This is the key to success is meal planning. I have met my original goal of dropping 20 lbs and have since decided to lose another 6 lbs. After this I will switch to focusing on building more muscle.
The biggest surprise was how fast I dropped the weight and how little effort in the scheme of things it took, all by following the Metabolic Balance Program.
I wasn’t hungry, which surprised me, I adjusted fairly quickly to eating 3 meals a day verses the many meals a day previously and I have become the champion of bringing meals with me when I go out. Crazy, but the change is right!
Jennifer is one of those rare passionate people in the world today. She is in your corner, poking, prodding, encouraging, and telling you not to eat something (sorry). Jennifer’s sense of humour and professionalism makes the journey easier.
The Metabolic Balance Program boils down to clean eating and consistency. The Metabolic Balance Program will give you the results you are after without feeling hungry, without the food cravings, and is a life style change that is a permanent way of eating moving forward.
Like the Program I was after focus with my exercise. I have always exercised doing a variety of different things from yoga, F45, weights, and cycling. Sometime when you do a little of everything you become a champion of nothing. Jennifer has identified my muscle weaknesses, range of movement issues and tailored unique programs on a weekly basis helping me improve my form overall. I can tell you that when I do the sports I really enjoy – cycling and F45 I am lifting better and pushing harder than ever before. As I slide further into my 50’s my view of exercise is changing from a point of view of one’s fitness level to functional movement. Bobbing up and down, tying your shoelaces, getting up off the ground are things we take for granted. As we age it is functional movement that allows us to do these tasks seamlessly.
If you are feeling stuck or want to begin your fitness journey just know that first, and foremost, I survived giving up coffee!!! At the beginning of the pandemic most people went out and purchased large quantities of toilet paper, I purchased 4 kg of M&M’s, lol. My chocolate cupboard has never been empty before and I am ok with this.
Jokes aside keep in mind these 4 important advice .
1- Your not in it alone (it helps having Sunshine in your corner! Go find your Sunshine!)
2- It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be
3- The change is for the better
4- You can do this.
Allison Mones
I am a former professional engineer and management consultant turned workplace wellness consultant, functional nutritionist and transformational health coach. I have a Masters in Sustainability and spent over a decade solving complex business problems for high impact energy companies before transitioning to the wellness space. Through my own mental health journey, including Bipolar Depression, multiple concussions and experiencing the health impacts of corporate burnout, it ignited a passion for finding holistic tools that would promote optimal health and mental wellness for myself, as well as the ability to help other busy professionals do the same. I am a current Metabolic Balance coach in training.
The evidence-based, individualized bloodwork driven nature of Metabolic Balance, including how the plans are based on unique body chemistry and composition, is what made me see it as the perfect fit to add to my energy-restoring, optimal vitality creating, coaching repertoire.
Jenna has been a huge part of my life for over twenty years. I have done personal training with her on and off throughout the years, we have trained in track, gymnastics and various fitness goals together, and she has helped me rehab through a mental health crisis and a number of injuries. It is her who first enlightened me about Metabolic Balance program and how aligned it was with the new company I’m launching. I have also had the benefit of engaging with a lot of her other Metabolic Balance clients to hear their positive perspectives on the program.
First of all, the Metabolic Balance program has amazing testimonials. I have yet to meet anyone who’s completed the program who didn’t feel better mentally and physically. It is specifically tailored to the improvements that each unique individual requires, which greatly increases the potential for lasting quality-of-life impacts. We are all different in terms of our body composition, chemistry, likes and dislikes, medications, disease, etc. so having tailored plans that analyze over thirty unique blood values in order to bring each unique individual’s metabolism back into balance really sets the stage for sustainable improvements to long-term health and wellness.
I am doing personal training with Jenna. I’m also planning to finish my individual and group personal training designations this year and am just finishing my 300HR yoga teacher training. I had joined a World’s performance gymnastics team last year and the combination of tumbling and acro yoga ended up triggering some old injuries from when I was hit by car as a pedestrian a few years back. Jenna is a very dynamic trainer, incorporating tools from both her track and field and gymnast backgrounds, so the focus is on strength, flexibility and mobility. Between working with her and my physiotherapist Tyson Plesuk, at Movement Sports Clinic, for a few short months this year, I have had huge gains in strength and have finally begun to fix some of the injury-related mobility issues I had been struggling with.
We all start somewhere - Whether you’re new to prioritizing health and wellness or rehabbing an injury, taking those first few steps will create momentum
Set tangible goals - Setting long term and shorter-term goals will help keep you on track and give you something to measure and work towards
Consistency is the key! – Implementing small, sustainable habits will naturally allow you to build from there. This is how lasting change is created.